There are few men who would not be concerned about preserving their virility for many years. Sexual instinct is one of the most powerful instincts that increases self-esteem. However, he is very vulnerable.
Exercises to increase potency should be considered as a way to prevent and correct minor temporary psychogenic disorders. Erectile dysfunction in men can be caused by:

- poor nutrition;
- unfavorable environment;
- chronic stress;
- sedentary lifestyle, smoking;
- drinking alcohol and even seemingly harmless beer.
Regardless of age, sexual failure can happen to any man.
The causes of erectile dysfunction are hormonal disorders, genital tract infections leading to prostatitis, in men over fifty - prostate adenoma, leading to prostatectomy, in older people - vascular problems, atherosclerosis. Serious causes require serious treatment.
What are the benefits of exercise
Men, after the first episodes of erectile dysfunction, rush to the pharmacy to buy a remedy that radically eliminates the problem. It’s easier to take a pill than to systematically train. The effect of the tablet or spray occurs immediately.
The downside is that all medications have many contraindications and side effects that negatively affect health. This is also a blow to the budget - they are all expensive.

Among men who care about maintaining potency at a good level, there are adherents of taking natural vitamin and mineral complexes. This is really great, but there are pitfalls here too:
- You should buy dietary supplements only from well-known manufacturers in special departments of stores or pharmacies;
- You cannot order dietary supplements via the Internet or by phone, no matter how super-duper advertised it may be. When you buy powder from a dried donkey’s penis, prepared in unsanitary conditions, and not at all for a nominal fee, you risk ending up in the place of this animal deprived of its genitals.
Through this negative prism, look at the benefits of a set of physical exercises to maintain and increase male sexual activity:
- costs are minimal, since you can exercise both in the gym and at home;
- systematically performing male exercises will lead to improved erection and strengthening of the body as a whole;
- physical activity compensates for the consequences of sedentary work;
- There are no age restrictions, you can always choose physical complexes for both young and elderly men.
Effect on potency
Improving blood circulation in the pelvis
- Having received an impulse from the rampant libido, the cavernous bodies of the penis fill with blood.
- The ischiocavernosus muscles contract, blocking the flow of blood from the veins.
This state is an erection. Exercises increase blood flow and microcirculation in the pelvic area, due to this, normal filling of the cavernous bodies, lengthening and thickening of the penis are achieved.

Why might blood flow decrease under normal conditions? There are many reasons and the most common ones are:
- alcohol and smoking, and, consequently, vasospasm;
- sedentary work;
- passion for fast foods that negatively affect the vascular wall;
- there are picnics in nature - beer, vodka, pork kebab;
- cars - remember: "Our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery! "Now they travel everywhere and always.
No one is calling for a complete abandonment of the benefits of civilization and other small joys of life. Physical exercise will help minimize harm by normalizing blood circulation.
Strengthening the pubococcygeus muscle
Anyone who knows the secret of relaxation and tension of the pubococcygeus muscle knows the secret of love and a bright orgasm. This muscle connects the lower end of the coccyx and the inner region of the symphysis pubis.

It plays an important role during orgasm by providing rhythmic contractions.
A well-trained pubococcygeus muscle:
- eliminates congestion in the pelvis, which means prevents congestive prostatitis;
- improves testicular function and hormonal levels;
- will increase potency;
- improve the quality of orgasm;
- will prevent premature ejaculation.
How to do the complex correctly
What’s good about muscle training exercises is that some of them can be done anytime and anywhere - at work, at home, in transport.
The main complex includes only 2 exercises
Name | How to perform |
Stop the flow | During the act of urination, you need to stop it 2-3 times, straining the pubococcygeus muscle. This can be done every time you visit the toilet. |
Muscle tension | Up to 3 sets of 10 compressions are done. |
Additional complex
It is aimed at increasing potency in men
- Hold the tension, change it to relaxation. It is important that the time of these two actions is the same: 3 seconds tension, 3 seconds relaxation.
- Speed stresses. Rapid alternation of contractions and relaxations up to 20 times. 3 approaches.
- Lifting weights. Hang the towel over the erect penis and try to lift it up with a bouncing motion. The load can be increased by wetting the towel.
Recommendations for implementation:
- the strength of tension is more important than the amount of tension;
- the muscle contracts separately from other muscle groups;
- connection of the respiratory rhythm with the work of the muscle - tension (inhalation), relaxation (exhalation) or vice versa;
- training mode;
- regularity - at least 2 times a day.
The condition for the remaining techniques is the choice of adequate physical activity: after exercise you should feel tone, a buzz, and not weakness and fatigue. At the next lesson, it is recommended to increase the load by no more than 10% of the previous one.
The best exercises to restore and increase potency
There are both individual exercises to improve potency, and special complexes, which are assigned to gym instructors to teach. The technique can be studied step by step in video lessons.

Let's start with individual exercises that can increase potency at home in men.
Above your feet
- Active walking in place with knees raised high.
- You can even help with your hands, pressing your knees to your stomach.
- The load increases gradually from 30 to 50 knee raises.
Effectively increases libido.
- Stand straight, arms along your body, body relaxed, look forward.
- Inhale from the bottom of your belly, hold your breath and, while inhaling, squeeze the muscles of the anus for 3-4 seconds, then relax as much as possible, accompanying this with exhalation.
- After breathing has been restored, repeat 5-6 times.
Keep the ball
- Straining the muscles of the lower extremities, you need to hold a medium-sized ball between your knees.
- Perform while lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and hip joints.
Pelvic rotation
- Circular movements of the pelvis in Jedi yoga are called the "winner’s dance. "
- Rotation of the pelvis in different planes causes an increase in potency and can contribute to a variety of frictions during sexual intercourse, which will certainly surprise and delight your woman.

Walking on the buttocks
This exercise for potency simultaneously refers to both Jedi yoga and traditional methods of treatment.
- Sit on the floor, legs extended forward, hands too, you can put them on your belt.
- Walk forward, contracting the muscles of your buttocks and legs, walk 2 meters, return back in the same way.
Erectile function can be enhanced, thanks to increased blood flow in the pelvic area, by the familiar exercise Bicycle.
- You choose the rhythm for yourself.
- Watch out for breath as you rotate your legs.
- Cycling strengthens the abdominal muscles; it is an effective treatment method for impaired peristalsis and a tendency to constipation.
- Emphasis lying on your arms straight or slightly bent.
- Alternately pull your knees towards your stomach.
- 10 times in 3 approaches accelerates blood in the groin areas, pelvis, and lower extremities. The frog is included in martial arts warm-up exercises.

- Lie on your back, arms along your body or clasped behind your head.
- Raise your legs straight, spread them as far as possible, and cross them.
- Leg movements imitate the work of scissors. Exercise strengthens the abs, removes excess fat from the abdomen, and restores hormonal levels.
It has long been known that the most attractive place for women in a man’s figure is the buttocks. A pumped up elastic butt is a good sign that the erectile function of its owner will be at its best.
Including squats in your morning gymnastics routine will have a positive effect on a man’s potency. Chinese scientists believe that if you squat regularly, gradually increase the number of squats, combine them with massage of active points and abdominal breathing, you can get rid of 100 diseases and live up to 100 years. The effectiveness is explained by the restoration of the flow of vital energy qi.
A correct squat is performed like this.
- Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly to the sides.
- As you exhale, we squat until the fifth point is lowered as much as possible 15-20 times.
Holding the stone
- The stone is imaginary, and it is necessary to hold it by contracting the gluteal muscles in a standing position with bent knees.
- This is useful for increasing potency and strengthening the muscles of the anus. At the same time, a gentle massage of the prostate occurs.
Exercises on all fours
You can relieve accumulated fatigue and tension like this:

- From the "on all fours" pose, resting your knees and palms on the mat, your feet stretched back, as you exhale, slowly lower your buttocks back and down, sitting on your feet.
- Stretch your arms forward, stretching your torso behind them.
Only physically trained men can immediately achieve the maximum amplitude of leg extension at the hip joints.
- Sitting on the floor, spread your legs bent at the hip and knee joints, bending forward as you exhale.
- You can hold your feet with your hands.
The ancient Indian teaching, which combines the adoption of special poses - asanas with relaxation of the spirit, has long been of great interest to those who strive to maintain health. After taking a few lessons with the guru, you can continue the practice at home. They have a positive effect on the blood flow of the small pelvis, open the chakras, the energy of which prevents the development of impotence.
- The most common asanas for potency performed at home are the lotus and birch poses.
- The first is performed while sitting on the floor, with a straight back and crossed, feet pressed to the thighs.
- Hands on knees.
- When performing the second, you need to stand on your shoulder blades, keeping your legs raised straight.
- Mentally concentrate on the area of the 1st and 2nd chakras.
China also contributed to solving the problem by developing the qigong system for potency. Originating in Tibetan monasteries, qigong quickly gained popularity.

Observations established the fact that the loss of male strength shortened the years of a man’s life, and children born to fathers who practiced this gymnastics were healthier and stronger. Therefore, expectant fathers were advised to exercise intensively before conception.
Exercise "Deer"
Performed in the "rider's stance". Feet shoulder-width apart, bent. Arms at chest level, slightly bent.
- Tighten the tense pelvic floor muscles, inhale through the nose (inhale - 15 s, tongue touches the palate);
- grab your thumb tightly with your fingers;
- strain your muscles and not breathe for 10 s;
- relax, exhale through the mouth (exhale for 5 seconds, tongue to the lower teeth).
Qigong helps remove blocks and restore the flow of vital energy qi along the energy meridians in the human body by performing special exercises. The result will be increased potency, increased libido, improved sperm quality, prevention of congestive prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
Complexes for improving erection and potency
Scattered exercises can be combined as you like, creating your own training system. An alternative is the author's complexes for improving men's health.
Exercises for prostatitis from Dr. Popov
The technique is specific and more similar to traditional medicine treatment methods.
- One of the exercises suggests sitting not on a chair, but on a freshly cut stump of a deciduous tree and repeatedly standing up from it.
- Another is to place a warm, freshly laid chicken egg under the perineum area. Too unconventional, but maybe there's something to it.
Complex for improving potency from Norbekov
Dr. Norbekov is known for the fact that the technique he developed treats more than one specific disease. The balance between external destructive influences and the body’s defenses is restored. His lessons mobilize the body for self-healing and self-regulation.
The complex combines physical exercises, meditation, acupressure and other massages, and breathing exercises. The technique is patented and used in Russia, Germany, Israel, and the USA. You can learn the technique at the Norbekov Centers or independently using books and video lessons.
Aleksin complex
Yuri Aleksin, using his own example, proved the effectiveness of the described physical exercises for strengthening and increasing potency. Its complex includes exercises such as:
- above the leg;
- voltage;
- running in place without lifting your toes;
- pelvic lift;
- tension of the pubococcygeus muscle;
- hold the stone;
- walking on the buttocks.
Arnold Kegel gymnastics
For almost 100 years, Kegel exercises have been used all over the world. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles helps:
- restore masculinity;
- avoid early ejaculation;
- get rid of urinary incontinence.
These exercises are especially effective for good potency for men with diabetes, obesity, and an operated prostate. The complex includes work with the love muscle, tension of the anus, gluteal and pelvic muscles. There are Kegel exercises for women suffering from urinary incontinence.
Dr. Bubnovsky's technique
Dr. Bubnovsky also contributed to the treatment of sexual disorders in men. There are 4 exercises in his complex:

- raising your legs while lying on your stomach;
- raising the pelvis;
- rotation of the pelvis;
- push-ups from the wall.
Morning exercises
In any usual complex of morning exercises, you can safely include something that benefits male strength. The main thing is to receive a charge of vivacity, good mood, and tone from the work done. Without overloading the body, you can add weights with dumbbells to your morning exercises.
- It is very good for potency to start the day by hula-hooping;
- If you are embarrassed to use a "lady’s" device, take an expander: one end of the expander in your hand, hook the second to your foot, pull - hand up, leg down; while sitting, hold a butterfly expander between your knees. Bring your knees in and out.

Trainings are held 2 times a day. If the evening complex is performed in the gym, include a barbell in it. A beautiful figure with excellent potency is a beneficial plus.
For many men, due to age or illness, physical activity is contraindicated. There is no need to overload your body, try cardio training.
Conclusions and reviews
Without waiting for signs of weakening potency, choose several exercises or a complex you like. Systematic exercises will bring benefits and give the joy of quality sex to the woman you love.
Numerous reviews speak about the benefits of classes. The topic is sensitive, not for general viewing, but men share their problems and successes on the forums: