Some erection problems can also occur at a younger age. They are easily treatable and reversible. Already in adulthood, it will be a little more difficult to regain full potency. Typically, doctors direct all therapeutic measures to maintain an existing condition. But, there are a number of actions that will help delay the period of potency reduction. So, every man should know why potency decreases after 40, and how to deal with it.

Why does potency decrease after 40?
Specialists urologists and andrologists claim that every man’s body has a certain sexual potential. Thus, on average, a man can become a full-fledged sexual partner for 15 women over the course of his life. But over time, with the deterioration of the environmental situation, these indicators have changed. Thus, about 40% of men aged 40 years complain of some problems in bed when excited. And after 50 years, more than 68% of the stronger sex dream of their former sexual activity.
Potency in men is responsible for maintaining a full sex life. Normally, arousal occurs quickly, sexual intercourse lasts continuously, and ends with ejaculation. If one of these processes is disrupted, we can talk about problems with potency. These problems can be either permanent or short-term. In the case of a short-term disorder, factors may include stress, overwork, insomnia, excessive mental and physical stress. When they are eliminated, full potency returns again.
The level of testosterone in a man’s body directly affects the state of potency. Its maximum production is observed at the age of 25-30 years. After 30, and closer to 40, testosterone synthesis decreases sharply. This is why men may experience some changes in sexual activity. Such age-related changes are natural. The following factors can also lead to a decrease in testosterone:
- Irregular sex life;
- Obesity;
- Alcohol consumption;
- Smoking;
- Taking hormonal drugs;
- Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
All these reasons significantly weaken the immune system, which provokes erectile dysfunction. In medicine, there is such a thing as male menopause. It comes precisely after 40 years. At this time, it is not impotence that is observed, but the inability to fertilize a woman. A sharp drop in testosterone levels provokes a decrease in the number of active sperm.
Very often, potency in men after 40 decreases due to diseases of the cardiovascular system. For a full erection, active blood flow to the penis is important. If the blood vessels are in poor condition, the inflow is insufficient or completely absent. Around the age of 40, many men experience an increase in blood cholesterol levels, which causes blockage of blood vessels. Timely identification of the problem will help restore hormonal balance and improve erectile function.
Among the symptoms indicating a decrease in potency in men, it is worth noting the following manifestations:
- Weak insufficient erection;
- Increased time for arousal;
- Sexual intercourse is too long;
- Lack of erection;
- Decreased libido;
- Frequent urge to urinate;
- Lack of ejaculation.
In addition, the body of men after 40 years begins to lose muscle mass. And decreased testosterone synthesis leads to baldness. All processes are completely individual. These symptoms can appear much earlier if you follow an unhealthy lifestyle. And if you follow a balanced diet and a sporty, active rhythm of life, all these processes can pass unnoticed, without acute symptoms, even after 40.
Medications to increase potency in men
Problems with potency can occur at any age. Do not despair, because today there are a huge number of drugs to enhance and restore male strength. And if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, this problem can be easily solved, even at the age of well over 40. Potency drugs are aimed at relaxing muscles, dilating blood vessels, and releasing nitric oxide. These factors contribute to increased blood flow to the penis and full arousal.
So, the inhibitory substance PDE-5 can be called quite popular. This drug is prescribed only by a doctor. The dosage is also determined exclusively by a specialist. You should take the pill 40-50 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse. The positive effect will last for 4-5 hours after use. But, any remedy for improving potency has a number of contraindications. So, in case of serious diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, the drug is contraindicated for use. Sometimes you can observe adverse reactions:
- Headache;
- Dizziness;
- Facial redness;
- Cardiopalmus;
- Arrhythmia;
- Deterioration of vision;
- Nausea.
A drug that improves erectile function is highly effective. Many men prefer this particular product. This is because the effect of this drug begins within 15-20 minutes after use. And the effect lasts for 36 hours. During this period of time, a man can perform sexual intercourse. Also, experts can recommend a new oral, effective remedy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
If after 40 years a man is diagnosed with andropause (low testosterone production), doctors use hormonal therapy. The hormone testosterone can be administered intramuscularly in the form of injections or orally in the form of tablets. The course of hormonal therapy lasts about 1-2 months. When completing the full course, potency is restored. As a rule, such therapy is mandatory for men after 40, even in the absence of serious problems in bed.
Strengthening potency at home
A man at any age can normalize his potency on his own at home. After the age of 40, these measures may be additional. And after the complete restoration of male power, compliance with them is considered a prerequisite. So, it is very important to maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. It is important for representatives of the stronger sex to increase the body’s protective reactions.

Due to the fact that after 40 men have a decrease in testosterone production, the synthesis of the hormone must be restored. This can be done through nutrition. Of course, this recovery option will take quite a bit of time, but the method is absolutely safe and beneficial for the overall health of the body. So, in order to enhance male power, the body must receive the following elements daily: zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins A, E. Therefore, it is necessary to include some products in the menu.

You can reduce cholesterol levels and improve the condition of blood vessels by avoiding fatty fried foods, too spicy, sweet and salty foods. Also, for men over 40 years old, it is important to minimize the amount of baked goods, sweets, and chocolate consumed. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited at this age and earlier.
Physical exercise
The important point is sports. In the absence of regular physical activity, men develop obesity, muscle mass decreases, and stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs. All this has an extremely negative effect on potency. And this is especially true for representatives of the stronger sex over the age of 40. Also, sport allows you to relax after a hard day at work and restore the functions of the nervous system. Football, basketball, running, and swimming are beneficial for the health of young people.
Experts have developed a special set of exercises that increases erection. So, even simple squats will increase blood flow to the penis. And the "bridge" and "bicycle" exercises will relieve stagnant processes. It is imperative to do daily morning exercises. But you should give up long bike rides at the age of 40. Cycling for no more than 30 minutes at a time is considered acceptable.
Prevention measures
In order not to experience all the changes in your sex life after 40 years, it is necessary to take preventive measures. Thus, a normal diet and the absence of bad habits will protect a young man from serious erectile dysfunction. Regular sex life will activate increased testosterone production. Every young person who begins an active sexual life must undergo regular examination by a doctor. This is the only way to promptly identify a possible disease and quickly cure it. Otherwise, the disease becomes chronic. An integrated approach to solving the problem will help restore full potency in men after 40 years.
Reasons for decreased potency after 40
Increasing potency in men after 40 years of age becomes a serious task, since medications alone will not help. Doctors take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of poor potency, since the disease is accompanied by both physiological and psychological changes in the body.
Andrologists believe that the main reason for decreased potency in adulthood is acute deficiency of testosterone, the main male hormone. It is he who is responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, the formation of germ cells, and male libido.
The causes of disorders and problems with potency may lie in congestion in the pelvis. Due to insufficient blood circulation, the genitals do not receive the required amount of oxygen and blood. For a good erection, at least 70 ml of blood must flow into the penis; only under this condition does the penis become hard and elastic. When the blood supply decreases, the penis is unable to have sexual intercourse.
The most common causes of loss of potency after 40 years are:
- bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol);
- low physical activity;
- frequent stress;
- poor nutrition.
To this should be added physiological changes in the body and reproductive system. This includes deterioration in the elasticity of the tunica albuginea, loss of properties of smooth muscle cells and their destruction. The pathological condition also occurs against the background of ischemia of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Potency can worsen with urogenital diseases; for this reason, various infectious processes cannot be written off. If a man self-medicates, he aggravates the condition, bringing the complete loss of erection closer.
Methods of increasing potency
As noted, the disorder may occur due to pathologies, psychological or physical changes. Often, after 40 years, a man begins to fear impotence and is very worried about sexual function. Fear makes the problem even worse.
How to increase potency in men naturally after 40 years? This can often be done without the use of medications. An effective solution would be to change your lifestyle. It is recommended to start playing sports; there are even special training sessions for increasing sexual potential.
You will need to give up fast food products and eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid fried, smoked and salted foods. More should be steamed. You can stew or boil foods.
It is important to regularly take proper rest and spend more time in the fresh air. When working sedentarily, you will need to do a light body workout every half hour. Gymnastics will prevent blood stagnation. The recommendations listed are simple, but they really work and help increase potency without medications. You will need to include in your diet a large number of products that help maintain the sexual sphere:
- goat milk;
- greens (spinach, parsley, dill);
- honey;
- eggplants.
They contain a lot of zinc, which is responsible for the secretion of sex hormones and new cells. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to resort to the secrets of traditional medicine. There are many recipes that have been tested over the years to restore male strength.
Tincture of ginseng root helps to combat the problem perfectly. The product accelerates the blood, increases blood flow in the genitals. The plant is also a good aphrodisiac that increases libido.
You can purchase ready-made ginseng tincture at the pharmacy.
Traditional methods
Traditional methods can also help restore male strength if combined with competent drug treatment. A remedy made from honey, ginger, rose hips and thyme copes well with the problem. The components are poured with boiling water and left for 5 hours. The finished product is taken in a large spoon after each meal.
Another natural remedy that helps cure reduced potency is collections from ginseng root, galangal, propolis, thyme or rennet. For a quick effect, the plants are consumed about an hour before sexual intercourse.
Walnuts help increase potency; they are mixed in equal proportions with natural honey, and taken a couple of small spoons twice a day. Consuming the mixture with milk helps enhance the results.
An excellent remedy that can be used at home is a tincture of medicinal lungwort. The plant is boiled in the proportion of a glass of water per 10 g of raw material, taken 3 times a day. You need to drink pure aloe juice and eat pumpkin seeds. Some types of nuts are useful, namely:
- pistachios;
- peanut;
- pine and walnuts;
- hazelnut.
There is also a rather original home method with ice. You will need to take half a kilogram of ice, crush it, wrap it in a piece of gauze and apply it to different parts of the body, hold for 1 minute. First, ice is applied to the base of the skull, then to the heart, ending with the area of the testicles.
There is another recipe. Take a glass of dill seed, mix with a couple of tablespoons of ground valerian rhizome, two glasses of pure honey. The mixture is poured into a thermos and filled with boiling water until the total volume is 2 liters. The product is infused for a day, consumed in a large spoon half an hour before meals.
- pour cold water over young pine cones and branches;
- boil;
- leave for 12 hours in a closed container.
The finished extract comes out a beautiful brown color. It is added to baths, take baths for 15-20 minutes three times a week. If desired, you can purchase ready-made pine needle extract. Drinking alcohol tincture of ginseng will be beneficial if you take it 30 drops after meals. To restore a boner, they also drink tincture of lovage and chamomile. Mixtures are prepared, for example, from 100 g of yarrow, 50 g of calamus root, 50 g of fenugreek. Pour a large spoonful of herbs into a glass of boiling water, cool, filter, and take a glass three times a day. Decoctions and tinctures are contraindicated if you are allergic to herbs.
Special exercises for erectile dysfunction help enhance the effect of medications and traditional methods. Perform normal rotational movements of the pelvis in different directions. In this case, the hands are kept on the belt, the legs are placed at shoulder level. The pelvis is raised and lowered again, the torso should be positioned on the mat, hands and feet rest on the floor, and knees are bent.
Another effective exercise is cycling. It is necessary to make rotational movements with your legs, as you do when riding a bicycle. A man should lie on the floor, place his arms along his body, and twist his legs. You can raise your knees to shoulder level. This is done in two ways: in front, with your hands on your belt, or on your side, pointing your legs towards your temples, you are allowed to help with your hands.
The boat exercise has a positive effect. Lie on your stomach, while inhaling, raise your arms and stretch forward. The legs are pulled back in the opposite direction. As you exhale, lower your legs and arms back down. During the exercise, the buttocks tense. The final exercise will be squats. Feet are placed wider than shoulders, arms bent at the elbows. While inhaling, squat down and tense the muscles of the buttocks. As you exhale, relax and return to the starting position.
How to increase potency in men after 45 years and why it worsens
People age in many ways. Among the most important changes associated with aging is sexuality. Both in terms of desire (libido) and in terms of the quality and frequency of erections, young men and older people are somewhat different. Certain aspects, such as healthy sleep and stress reduction, contribute to a better sex life. Other causes of erectile dysfunction are biological, and it is impossible to influence them without the help of a urologist.

For men, the ability to have an erection is much more than a biological event. This is a vital feature, without which many men feel inferior, as if they have lost their masculinity. Therefore, very often doctors are asked the question of how to increase potency in men after 45 years. It is at this age that the first signs of deterioration in erectile function begin. But to answer this question, it is important to know what factors can negatively affect male potency:
- Boredom. Freshness and variety in sex are essential for fast and full erections.
- Concerns about money or career are serious obstacles to a good sex life.
- Stress and fatigue from heavy physical or mental work.
- Alcohol. Drunkenness and erections do not mix. Alcohol is a sedative. It dilates for a short time, but then strongly constricts the blood vessels, thereby preventing blood flow into the penis. Millions of promising sexual encounters have failed because of alcohol.
- Depression. Sexual arousal is simply incompatible with a lackluster worldview. How to increase potency in men after 45 years in case of chronic depression will be advised not by a urologist, but by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. You will probably need to take antidepressants.
- Partner's reluctance. Sex is a two-way and consensual act. If one of the partners does not want the other, then the rejected one may have problems with potency.
- Fear of failure. Many men in their lives have had bad experiences during sexual intercourse, when the penis "fell" too quickly, or ejaculation occurred prematurely. These misadventures haunt the man, and regardless of their reasons, the fear remains - "Could this happen again. "This phobia may require treatment from a psychotherapist. He will tell you how to increase potency in men after 45 years by improving self-esteem.
- Health problems. List of medical conditions that can negatively affect erectile function. The penis is a vascular organ, so all diseases that impair blood flow can adversely affect erection. Diabetes is at the top of the list, but the names of diseases that affect erections could fill a page.
- Taking various medications. Most doctors are aware of the adverse sexual side effects of many medications. Don't be embarrassed to ask your doctor if the drug he prescribes may negatively affect your erection and libido.
- Prostate problems. Although the prostate gland is not directly involved in erection, its anatomical proximity to the penis places it among the factors associated with male sexual function.
The influence of potency drugs on health
When talking with a patient about how to increase potency in men after 45 years of age, the doctor cannot fail to mention the impact of various potency products on health. These remedies complement the body's existing physical and mental responses to sexual stimulation and increase blood flow to the genitals. Biological supplements containing natural ingredients can also act as aphrodisiacs, that is, they stimulate sexual desire.

The most popular medicines are not aphrodisiacs. They help increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a small molecule that dilates blood vessels. Often the use of potency products containing nitric oxide is accompanied by headaches, because the arteries in the head also dilate. Both medications and dietary supplements to improve potency have contraindications and side effects. They can interact with other medications, so they should be prescribed by a doctor who knows about the patient’s health and the medications he is taking (including vitamins).
Quick acting remedies
The newest PDE-5 inhibitor drug (active ingredient is avanafil) acts faster than other drugs in its class. It starts working after 15 minutes. Film-coated tablets also act quite quickly - within 15-30 minutes.
The side effects of these drugs are similar:
- headache;
- stomach upset;
- changes in vision;
- nasal congestion;
- backache;
- muscle pain;
- priapism (an erection that does not go away for a long time).
There is a good and affordable way to increase potency in men after 45, in addition to medications. You need to perform Kegel exercises daily to tense and relax your pelvic floor muscles. Although these exercises are typically associated with women trying to strengthen their vaginal muscles, men can perform them to achieve an easier erection and more intense sensations during sex.
One of the most important aspects of doing Kegel exercises is finding the right muscles. A good way to find them is to stop the flow of urine while urinating. If a man is able to stop the flow of urine, he has found his pelvic floor muscles, which means he can do Kegel exercises at will. If finding the right muscles is difficult, you can check out "Kegel exercises. "
Folk remedies

Garlic is one of the most common herbs used to treat impotence at home. It is also called "the poor man's penicillin" because garlic is an effective natural antiseptic and boosts the immune system. It will be useful for erectile dysfunction caused by fatigue and illness.
Here's how to increase potency in men after 45 using ginger:
- You need to mix half a teaspoon of ginger juice with half a hard-boiled egg and honey to taste.
- Take once a day (preferably at night) for a month.
- This recipe allows you to fight impotence and premature ejaculation.
One of the best folk remedies for improving potency is ginseng tincture. This plant improves blood circulation, but it has another beneficial effect for the male body - increasing sexual desire. The ginsenosides found in ginseng increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the body and stimulate neurotransmitters that are activated when a person is sexually aroused.
Numerous studies have found that ginseng actually works as a sex booster! The stimulant plant alkaloid is an alpha-2 receptor antagonist, which means it prevents the breakdown of nitric oxide in the human body. Nitric oxide is essential for firmer, longer-lasting erections.